Friday, November 25, 2005

Questionnaire - Everyone do it if you can.

† friend :: Camille
† car :: 87 Crown Vic. Vickie.
† break up :: Mage is the 1st big one I think. Cant remember really.
† screen name :: Lissie15
† self purchased album :: Spice Girls
† funeral :: Titi Nidia my grandma
† pet :: Missy my German Shepherd
† big trip :: To Texas when I was 3 almost 4.
† music you remember hearing in your house :: Christian music

¥ car ride :: Home from coffee with Dustin and Elaine
¥ kiss :: um cant tell. ;)
¥ good cry :: At church last weekend.
¥ movie seen :: RENT. Oh so wonderful
¥ beverage :: water to take my vitamins with
¥ food consumed :: Dry Oatmeal
¥ crush :: Dustin
¥ phone call :: Patricia
¥ shower :: Last night. I should take one before bed but I’m too tired
since it’s 126 am.
¥ shoes worn :: Black tall boots
¥ item bought :: Coffee at Starbucks with Dustin and Elaine

ø who is your very best friend :: Eric Morrison
ø do you have a boyfriend / girl friend :: no
ø what is their name :: it was Dustin – I’m still in love with him
ø how do you feel about him / her? :: I love him. J
ø where's your favorite place to shop :: Kohl’s
ø any tattoos or piercings :: 3 in both ears and tongue
? do you do drugs :: no
? where do you want to get married :: beach
? how many buddies are online right now :: 11
? what would you change about yourself :: I would get more organized.

ß color :: hot pink!!!
ß food :: pizza and Puerto Rican of course
ß boy's name :: hmmmm..
ß girl's name :: Haven
ß subject in school :: Health and nutrition
ß perfume or cologne :: don’t wear but I do like Clinique Happy.

? taken a bath with somone :: When I was little.
? made yourself throw up :: yes once bc I had accidently drank too much. I
only had one drink but they put too much alcohol in it so I was so sick. I
had to make myself puke.
? made yourself cry to get out of trouble :: No. I can’t do that.
? cried when someone died:: Of course. My freaking dad died. I still cry
about it.
? lied ::a few times
? fallen for your best friend :: yeah Eric Cowden.
? rejected someone :: Yes but I tried to do it real nice.
? been rejected :: Yeah Dustin did. You know, the love of my life.
? used someone :: yeah I guess but not really on purpose
? done something you regret :: A few things.

• clothes :: My favorite jeans. Green shirt with white tank underneath it.
Black boots.
• music :: Michael Buble on my xanga although I stopped it bc I’m watching
• make-up :: Yeah the basics. Nothing crazy
• favorite band :: Spice Girls. Daddy Yankee. Michael Buble

– hugged :: Rachel Benson
- you IMed :: Matt Affolter
– you fancied :: Dustin
– you owed money:: Jason Lee
- you spoke to :: Elaine
- you swore at :: About Dustin to Jason Lee

? open minded :: Yeah
? arrogant :: sometimes
? interesting :: I think so
? moody :: Yeah occasionaly
? hard working :: Yeah
? organized :: Not at all
? healthy :: I’m obsessed with health
? active :: Yes
? bored :: Actually I am. I can’t stand being alone. I need to work on
? responsible :: Yeah sort of.
? angry :: I used to have a huge anger issue
? sad :: yeah. I really miss Dustin. Pathetic
? disappointed :: Same as above and I’m sad that it didn’t work out.
? hyper :: not at all right now but occasionaly I get hyper
? legal :: yeah

÷ coke or pepsi :: I don’t drink cokes. Water is best
÷ tall or short :: tall

~ in the morning i :: rush and speed to work
~ what do you notice on a person first :: Their face and smile
~ last person you danced with :: Dustin
~ who makes you smile :: My mom
~ who give you a funny feeling when you see them :: Weird men
~ who do you have a crush on :: Dustin of course

« sit on the internet all night :: actually I have
« wish you were young :: I am still

^ of times i have had my heart broke :: A few.
^ of hearts i have broken :: lol. Also a few
^ of girls i've kissed :: none
of boys i've kissed :: Too many to count
candles i own :: maybe 10

I miss summer so much. I am such a summer girl. I love everything about it. Winter is not my thing. I do love skiing, but I like to just go and then come home. Summer all the way for me.
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I like this look. Oh summer!!! Imiss thee.

I love her hair color there. I want that hair color.

:( so sad.

I just love this little dress. Vanessa Marcil has the same bday as me. If you didnt know she's on Las Vegas.

Nicky Hilton looks cute here.

Giselle just has this incredible body. I love it. Not in a girl on girl way of course.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

They have officially split and I for one am very sad. :(

Look at SJP's stocking. Sexy!

They keep gettng better and better.

so cute.

I'm jumping up and down again!

Another beautiful picture.

Oh!!!! The dress! The necklace! the bracelet! the clutch! I'm swooning.

boys boys boys

cute cute cute

*gleefully claps hands and jumps up and down*

Another beautiful pic.

This is truly a beautiful picture.

I love this episode. There's drag queens in this episode.

Another pregnant shot. Again she made this look popular.

Charlotte's dress is so cute. And the shoes.

Who needs a husband. Or in my case a boyfriend?

He is such a beautiful man!

Charlotte is always so radiant.

These 2 look really beautiful there. Miranda/Cynthia Nixon looks amazing.

Here's another one where she was pregnant

I love this. And the shoes! It's hard to believe that someone pregnant could look this think still. I mean her face. It's so thin.


I loved her hair short. And the suit is fabulous.

What a great picture. Cute dress. Cute shoes. And best of all.. it's in a SHOE STORE.

I love it but once again it wouldn't fly in KC,

When proposed to by Aiden (who was perfect) she got so nervous that after awhile she started wearing the ring around her neck. But her dress is spectacular/

I just love the suspenders

How cute is this dress.

She's even cute as a country girl.

Oh my Lord. How cute is this. I think I'm going to wear something similar tot his pretty soon. i own a crazy black and green striped skirt and I'm sure I can find a cute top to go with it. Now the designer fanny pack type thing might be harder.
Here's my skirt. It could be blue and black. It looks sort of like hers does on though. It's real cute but it's kinda big on me now. It's elastic though so I can still wear it.

I just saw this episode yesterday. She fell on the runway bc her shoe broke. Heidi Klum came out and walked right over her. It was funny. Carrie dusted herself off, got up and finished it. On the way back she and Heidi high fived. It was a great episode.

ohhhhhh. i love it.