Friday, November 18, 2005

I really liked them together. They were just so cute. I think she was the most beautiful with him and he with her. But whatever. I think I'm just projecting bc I'm looking for one just like him. :)

Ok so I got the glasses. All I need now is the SideKick. I'm looking for a SugerDaddy (that's not too old) to buy me one. ;)

It's all about the glasses and the sidekick.

I don't just want one bc they are cool btw. I want one bc I love them! I've always been a big phone person. I always need the latest cell around. At least one of the latest. The one I have now is a great phone but it's not a sidekick and the Text Message Queen needs the best!

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Everyone should know that I love posting pics. This site will be full and full of pics. I love this ring. When I get married I want a huge huge ring. I know that means it's more money but it doesn't have to really expensive. I just want a big ring.

This is Eva Mendes .. Not Cindy Crawford (lol). 35 people have told me I look like her. I take that as a huge compliment. That is very very nice of people. They maybe a little crazy but I do appreciate it. Posted by Picasa

Celebrity In Training

I got my big sunglasses!! I am extremely excited!