Thursday, March 08, 2007


After all that negative on the car I realized that I haven't posted the good news from yesterday!

I paid Kohl's offffffffffffff. aaaaaahhhhhhh.

Mind you it was only $200, but you remember the strangle hold that thing had on me. FREEEEDDDDDOMMMMMM!!!!

My Car ... Sad, Sad Day.

Well my poor poor car... That's not it by the way... She just cost me $812. I had my mom take her in just for the break lights and apparantly she was on the verge of possibly killing me. Her tie rods and breaks were pretty bad. To the tune of every single penny I had. There went the emergency fund .. don't even get me started. I'm in mourning. There went the $312 I had to pay off the $14oo debt. ... There went .. everything. On top of all that, I now have to re-fund the Emergency Fund so that's $500 more before I can start paying debt off again. It really makes me sad. Sigh.

Can you believe that I am going to budget his CD in? Bc I am!!! It comes out on March 20th!! I can't wait. Btw I NEVER ever buy CDs. I just love him that much.

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