Wednesday, February 08, 2006

1. do you like anyone?: yeah
2. if so, do they know it?: yeah
1. simple or complicated?: complicated
1. had sex?: no
2. bought something?: yeah. clothes. :)
3. gotten sick?: no
4. been hugged?: Yes
5. been kissed?: no
6. thought about someone: Yes
7. felt stupid?: yeah
8. talked to an ex?: yes
9. missed someone?: Yup
10. got drunk?: No
11. gotten high? Nope
12. danced crazy?: No,but I desperately need to go dancing.
13. gotten your hair cut?: No
14. watched cartoons?: No, but I did watch Kill Bill 1 and they have some cartoons in that...
15. lied?: I probably have
U N I Q U E...
1. nervous habits?: ummmmm.... not sure really
2. are you double jointed?: no
3. can you roll your tongue?: no
4. can you raise one eyebrow?: yeah
5. can you cross your eyes?: Yes
6. do you make your bed daily?: lol. do i make my bed ever....
7. do you think you are unique?: most def
1. said "I Love you" and meant it?: yes
2. given money to a homeless person: Yes
1. do you swear?: sometimes
2. do you ever spit?: No
3. you cook your own food? nope
4. you do your own chores?: well noone else does them for me but I don't really do them myself
5. did you get laid today?: no
6. you like beef jerky?: i like dear jerky
7. you like pepsi or coke?: neither
9. you're happy with your hair?: oh yes!
11. you spend your money wisely?: not as well as i should
12. you're always making new friends?: I make acqaintances. I dont really have too many close friends.
13. you like to swim?: yeah
14. when you get bored do you call a friend?: yeah but mainly I just watch TV
15. you're patient?: not that patient
1. flowers or angels?: wtf? neither
2. gray or black?: Black
3. Color or black and white photos?: color
4. lust or love?: a mix of both, but mainly love
5. sunrise or sunset?: sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?: neither
7. rap or rock?: ummmm rap to booty dance to. rock for other stuff
8. staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late. im up late now.
1. being hot or cold?: hot. shorts and tank tops. swimming. bikinis....
2. Thunder or Lightning: cant have one without the other.
3. Winter or Fall?: ugh. neither. but i guess a winter wonderland is nice
4. left or right?: Right
5. having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 best friends
6. sun or rain?: sun
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla
8. boys or girls?: Boys
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