Monday, September 18, 2006

I love this show. One of the best shows on tv.

Somebody made this beautiful thing of my husband.


Beautiful man.

I'm watching Prisonbreak right now. THere are some hot men on this show.

Summer is over and I didn't even have that much this year. Didn't make it to PR or anything. Isn't that sad.

I would like this game. I doubt it would really be all that fun though.

More cute and pregnant. Which I of course am not pregnant or anything. Good heavens itd be an impossibilty, but I just like to look at cute pictures.

The beach. Love. Kisses. Cool.

Her hair looks really cute here.

i hope i look this cute when im pregnant.

Sweet Valley icons. The obsession continues.

I like this picture of them. It's fairly recent. Adorable

They look so young and sweet.

OLLLDDDDD Spice Girls!!!!!!

Love this little outfit and her boots!!!

So beautiful. She sort of reminds me of the Lohman twins.

New Emma Bunton. Great hair and great body. Remember when she was "chubby". She was one of the bigger Spive Girls along with Geri.

couture couture

Newer Victoria Beckham. So couture. Love the hair.

does anyone but me remember this. the spice girls stupid playstation game??? it was dumb.

Vintage Spice Girls. Love.

Look at my Benji. He's so hot. btw im liking the new picasa.