Monday, December 11, 2006

Aaron, Jesse and Micah. They're all too darn cute.

Vintage Claire

So these shoes are amazing. I'm all about the Manolo Blahnik. I'm sure I will never own a pair, but meanwhile they are amazing.

Friday, October 27, 2006

My best friend Rosey and I a couple weeks ago.

Why do I have so many blogs. It's so freaking stupid.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I love this show. One of the best shows on tv.

Somebody made this beautiful thing of my husband.


Beautiful man.

I'm watching Prisonbreak right now. THere are some hot men on this show.

Summer is over and I didn't even have that much this year. Didn't make it to PR or anything. Isn't that sad.

I would like this game. I doubt it would really be all that fun though.

More cute and pregnant. Which I of course am not pregnant or anything. Good heavens itd be an impossibilty, but I just like to look at cute pictures.

The beach. Love. Kisses. Cool.

Her hair looks really cute here.

i hope i look this cute when im pregnant.

Sweet Valley icons. The obsession continues.

I like this picture of them. It's fairly recent. Adorable

They look so young and sweet.

OLLLDDDDD Spice Girls!!!!!!

Love this little outfit and her boots!!!

So beautiful. She sort of reminds me of the Lohman twins.

New Emma Bunton. Great hair and great body. Remember when she was "chubby". She was one of the bigger Spive Girls along with Geri.

couture couture

Newer Victoria Beckham. So couture. Love the hair.

does anyone but me remember this. the spice girls stupid playstation game??? it was dumb.

Vintage Spice Girls. Love.

Look at my Benji. He's so hot. btw im liking the new picasa.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is .. Someone. An old picture of someone. Someone is even hotter now. His hair is longer.

edit: his hair is shorter now. nice. i had to remove picture of someone though bc other people are gonna see this now. hi haley. i love blogspot.
I like Kristin. lol. And I love her shirt. You can have him. lol. Ha.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Benji!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My LOVE. My <3

The love of my life won So You Think You Can Dance!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

so fine!!!

Look at my Benji. That's how I like my men. Hottt!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I adore this bathing suit and her body. Sorry to let you know, the thinspo is coming back full force. i must lose 10 pounds immediately

Sunday, July 09, 2006

ok fine. one more

and one more for now. maybe more later. i havent picture blogged in awhile.

i gotta stop looking at these things


im kinda tired of being alone. oh well.

My boyfriend Benji and I like Travis alot too.

People make these cute little things. I'm telling you. I just love these 2.

Eric and Boogie!!!

Last fourth of July with the Morrisons. I miss them

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I wish it was Wednesday.

This girl is soo darn cute. She has great hair too.

My 3 favorites.

This is simply gorgeous. Boricua.

I didn't make this but I love all those guys. Hotness.

I love this picture. Awww.

This is so true. Just like my Elliott