Friday, March 17, 2006


I think I'm going to go dancing tonight. Should be fun. I do want to dance!

In my room tonight. I don't know what was up with the peace sign. I never do that. lol.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

And this is the dude I went out with last summer for a few weeks. He goes to Harvard and was student body president at ku. oh and he's 6'7". and sooo hot. good lord.

My coworkers house. I love it. It's like a fairy tale. We were just chatting and he was sending me pics. I haven't been there or anything.

Lost Dog Band

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I really like her tatoo on her foot. the foot is basically the only place id like to get one if i were too and im liking something like this. i prob wont do it but who knows.

I love this picture. I like her pants and shoes a lot.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So here's the big news of the week. I'm quitting my job next week I think. It's just pointless -besides making money and all that. I don't like it. I can barely bring myself to do it. I'm not benefitting my company. I'll probably get fired soon. So I'm quitting. Soon. Can't do it anymore. So once again I'm looking for a job. We are thinking of doing real estate -my bro and I. I was a mortgage broker for a couple years but that's another thing I don't want to do again. So if anyone has any ideas let me know ... Even though you don't know that much about me I'm still taking ideas. Goodnight. I don't know why my silly butt is up at 230 am.

How freaking cute is this? Man that little Matilda is a cutie. Their little family will someday rival the cuteness of Phillipe- Witherspoons who are also unreal cute.

Rumor has it that my girl Eva has been getting cozy with Joaquin who is just so freaking hot for some reason. Good Lord. But they also say she has a boyfriend. Joaquin would be a much cooler bf celebrity wise though. Her bf now is some director who is not that big. I want her with Joaquin for purely selfish reasons... Being that we'd see more of her. They could become the Brangelina.

If I had a famous athlete boyfriend I'd pimp my Sidekick out too. Heck I think I'm gonna pimp my Sidekick out anyway.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My girl Bekka. Grant's big sis.

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There's his sister and I when we were 12.. I don't know what the heck was up with the upside down sunglasses. I do remember how much I loved overalls. Heck I still love overalls. Something about them.

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Here is Grant and his gorgeous little neice. Her mom was one of my best friends. Bekka. This baby is one of the sweetest babies. So darn cute.

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This is my ex Grant. I found him again on MySpace recently. I went out with when I was 16 and he was 14. He was one of my best friends little brothers. He's sooo cute. Awww.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

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Latinas Unite.

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That would be cute if they were dating but unfortunately they are not. I really really want to know who she is dating though.

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More of my girl since it's her birthday and all.

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Today is Ms. Beautiful Eva Mendes' birthday. She is 32.

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Friday, March 03, 2006

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So did I tell ya'll that I'm gonna be her next Halloween.

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