Friday, February 02, 2007

Emergency Fund and the Library. Oh and taxes.

I have my $500 emergency fund!!!!! Yay!!!

Oh and I talked to the library. Before Tuesday I owed over $500. Yes I know. It's crazy and not understandable. It's just because I had a billion items still out. So I turned them all in and now it's $70.50 instead. Or rather it will be. I still have 1 item out and 3 books on tape that are all missing the last tape. So as soon as I find the last tapes it'll take $90 off and then once I turn in the last book I have out, it will drop it another $30. Then we add $2 per item for late fees which puts me at $70.50. That's exactly what I thought it'd be so I'm really happy.

Taxes. My financial people are doing my taxes!!!!! I'm so excited. We'll leave it at that for now. Soon I might put up the whole tax story. It's a pretty big deal. So the fact that they are helping me is HUGE! I'm extremely excited. I just can't wait to start paying the KGB, I mean the IRS. :) The sooner I start paying the better. That means the sooner I'm done paying. Yay!

Ok on to church and other stuff.

Keep your eyes open for new babysitting stuff. Mon-Wed nights. After 5. I'll have ya'll keep your ears open as soon as I make a 100% decision.

I'm out for now.

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