Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I put my first $415 on the first debt on my list! I'm very very very excited! eeeeeee. I had another couple hundred, but it was in uncashed checks so as soon as I cash it I'll pay it. Actually it's more like another $300 or so. The total of that debt is $1400.

After that is Kohl's. Kohl's has been like prison for me. I added a friend of mine onto it to help him build his Canadian credit so of course he is ALWAYS on me to pay it since his name is on it. And rightfully so, but needless to say I can't wait to be done with it. We can't get his name off because there's a balance. Otherwise we'd obviously do that. So anyway. That's the order.

After I pay those off, I'll update the order. It's all on a need to know basis though. You'd all faint if you knew the total and you'd call me crazy for thinking I could do it in 2 years. BUT I CAN.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that. Just keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Having debt is enlisted in more ways than one. Sometimes being debted to people and hurting People and being a part of someones elses life and than hurting them is far worse than being in debt with money. People come first and how you treat them come first. "Quote by a finicial Planner."

Anonymous said...

I agree

Elisabet said...

To anonymous #2.

I agree with you. I hate hurting people, but I've determined that sometimes you have to do the right thing regardless of feelings. Sometimes you have to do things that hurt because if you don't and you wait, it'll hurt even more in the long run.

People do come first, but doing the right thing comes even before that.