Monday, February 12, 2007



I'm so excited!! Today I'm getting my taxes done. I guess now that I'm getting them done, I can fess up as to why this is a big deal. Today I will be getting 3 years worth of taxes done. 2004, 2005 and 2006. Apparantly denial is not a river in Egypt. I have been avoiding doing 2004's because I'm a freaking idiot and I went exempt that year. Dumb dumb dumb. FYI- Don't ever do that. It's DUMB. DUMB- another 4 letter word.

So yeah. Taxes. Yay! I'm excited to learn how much I owe the KGB I mean the IRS because that just takes me one step closer to being debt free. How can you pay something if you don't know how much you owe.


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