Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm out of debt!  Never updated. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Financial Peave University

I start FPU next week! I'm very very excited. I can't wait to get back on track and start paying off my debt hard core. I have lots of $ sitting there, but I don't like to spend it.

Oh I do need to get a new car though which seriously sucks. My transmission went out. So currently I have nothing and I despise not being in control with all my heart.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



I paid off my taxes!! 1882.75 was the last payment I made on Saturday! It sort of sucked just clicking a button and seeing $1882.75 leave my account, but at the same time it was also very nice. No more KGB/IRS charging me 50% interest and penalties. Which by the way I think is sort of bs. But whatev. It is what it is. I'll pay on time from here on out. I also paid the $185 I owed for 2007 so I'm all current!


Freedom is one step closer.

I'm trying to get back in the debt paying off mode... I've been out of it for awhile. Vegas .. Spice Girls... etc have taken over my debt paying mode.

Meanwhile I'm back. I have my debt list all put together perfectly and color coded.

My next bill on the list is being a total jerk. They don't want to settle with me and are trying to intimidate me. I'll just go to the next on the list if they won't settle. The debt is 3 years old so I'm not dying to pay it. They can take my money or not. It's funny bc I know how they operate with their scary tactics, and they still sort of got me. I was very upset. lol. I'm a sucker.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Um I spent over 1k in Vegas.

I'd love to be able to say that I regret it, but alas I do not. I got to see the Spice Girls!! Wooo.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


After all that negative on the car I realized that I haven't posted the good news from yesterday!

I paid Kohl's offffffffffffff. aaaaaahhhhhhh.

Mind you it was only $200, but you remember the strangle hold that thing had on me. FREEEEDDDDDOMMMMMM!!!!

My Car ... Sad, Sad Day.

Well my poor poor car... That's not it by the way... She just cost me $812. I had my mom take her in just for the break lights and apparantly she was on the verge of possibly killing me. Her tie rods and breaks were pretty bad. To the tune of every single penny I had. There went the emergency fund .. don't even get me started. I'm in mourning. There went the $312 I had to pay off the $14oo debt. ... There went .. everything. On top of all that, I now have to re-fund the Emergency Fund so that's $500 more before I can start paying debt off again. It really makes me sad. Sigh.

Can you believe that I am going to budget his CD in? Bc I am!!! It comes out on March 20th!! I can't wait. Btw I NEVER ever buy CDs. I just love him that much.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Ok so remember how I told you about about paying $415 on my first debt... Well I now have another $496 to add to it!!!! I just have to get it over there and that drops the $1400 down to $489!!!!

aaaaaahhhhh. This is all very exciting. I'm working tonight too so that'll add another $30 to it. Which obviously isn't a lot, but $30 here and $30 there makes another $496 so I'll take it!

I won't have as much extra money this pay period though because I actually went grocery shopping and used my food fund. I don't always so sometimes I have extra. This time I did though. I was all out and a girls gotta eat. My food budget is really low anyway. People don't understand how I live on it. It's $70 for 2 weeks. I used to spend that in a few days of going out to eat.

Dave Ramsey Live Event - Kansas City, May 5th


I'm officially a volunteer for the May 5th, Kansas City Live Event!!!!!!
It's extra exciting because after I originally brought it up I looked it up and the site said that they no longer need people. She finally wrote me back the day before yesterday and said that they'd love to have me!!!! So I enrolled online and am now OFFICIALLY a part of this!!!!
I'm soooo excited!
It's amazing that if you just put your mind to something there is someway that it can be done.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I realized it's been awhile since I posted some cute clotehs. So here's a dres that I am drooling over. So darn cute. I have a pattern for a dress just like this. I would just need to buy some material and make it. Honestly though. I'm such a good shopper that I'm fairly certain I can find something at the thrift store or on clearance that is cheaper or the same price as buying the material and spending all that time sewing. The good thing would be that I would get to sew which I really like to do.

Spiritual Debt, St Louis, Budget

I am basically out of spiritual debt! Isn't that great! Meeting with Pastor Tom and Diana helped immensely along with some things that Elaine suggested I do. Chains were broken inside of me that I've been strugling with for months and months. It feels like a new world today. God is truly great.

I had vowed to Him one Saturday night at YA's that I would do whatever it took to break free of this. I really did mean it. So I did and it worked and I'm freeeeeeeeee.

Spiritual debt down. Financial debt to go.

By the way, doing the right thing is hard. Well specifically the situation I'm going through. It's not always hard, but sometimes it is. Bah.

I'm going to St. Louis tomorrow night, but I'll be back on Friday for work and church. My best friend Eric is paying for my gas so it doesn't take out of the gas budget. Whew. Huge relief.

I'm a darn idiot. I saved my old budget over my new budget which makes me feel sort of lost. That budget holds me together in this realm. So on Friday when I get paid again I'm just going to start ALL over. I'll take the actual $ I have and then I'll budget from there. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I put my first $415 on the first debt on my list! I'm very very very excited! eeeeeee. I had another couple hundred, but it was in uncashed checks so as soon as I cash it I'll pay it. Actually it's more like another $300 or so. The total of that debt is $1400.

After that is Kohl's. Kohl's has been like prison for me. I added a friend of mine onto it to help him build his Canadian credit so of course he is ALWAYS on me to pay it since his name is on it. And rightfully so, but needless to say I can't wait to be done with it. We can't get his name off because there's a balance. Otherwise we'd obviously do that. So anyway. That's the order.

After I pay those off, I'll update the order. It's all on a need to know basis though. You'd all faint if you knew the total and you'd call me crazy for thinking I could do it in 2 years. BUT I CAN.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Dave Ramsey Live Event

I might get to go to Dave Ramsey's live event here in KC in May!!! Missi Brendtro told me that if you go as a volunteer then you get in for free to the whole event and get food!!! eeeeeee. So I emailed the girl today and fingers crossed that she'll use me!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The latest....lalalalalala

Ok well here's the latest I guess. I started watching the older gentlemen, herein after to be referred to as Frank. I really am enjoying it. It's simple. I like him. It pays well. It's perfect. I also babysat on Wednesday night. I really did enjoy that also. I have the cutest pictures of the baby falling asleep in his high chair. Adorable. And I changed a diaper for the first time in a looooong time. I did pretty well too. Go me. hmmm. What else is new over here. I can't think of anything.

Oh wait yes I can!!!!!! I'm about to pay my first payment on some debt in a really really long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to be paying $500 on my first loan of $1400. I'm ecstatic. I cannot wait. I simply cannot wait to give someone else my hard earned cash!!! Seriously! I just want to work, work, work so I can pay, pay, pay so I can then say I'm FREAKING DEBT FREE!!!!!

That's all. I'm off to see if the TV is free upstairs. I think I have some CSI's I need to watch. They're my guilty pleasure. I just love them!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Work - This Week

So this week starts my new jobs. Tuesday night I start my new "babysitting" (he's 94 so it's not quite that) job. Wednesday night I really am babysitting. Saturday I'll be with the 94 year old again and probably Sunday too. Oh and I have another job I'm doing for Katy Flyers. I have to hand out a bunch of flyers to 10 people. Then I have to randomly audit them all and take pictures of their area and some of their flyer boxes and then email them in. That will pay $220. I do enjoy working. The more I work, the more I can pay off and the sooner I'm DEBT FREEEEEEEEE.



I'm so excited!! Today I'm getting my taxes done. I guess now that I'm getting them done, I can fess up as to why this is a big deal. Today I will be getting 3 years worth of taxes done. 2004, 2005 and 2006. Apparantly denial is not a river in Egypt. I have been avoiding doing 2004's because I'm a freaking idiot and I went exempt that year. Dumb dumb dumb. FYI- Don't ever do that. It's DUMB. DUMB- another 4 letter word.

So yeah. Taxes. Yay! I'm excited to learn how much I owe the KGB I mean the IRS because that just takes me one step closer to being debt free. How can you pay something if you don't know how much you owe.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Brake Lights

I'm disappointed about the brake lights. I went to Wal Mart on Saturday and they said they fixed it. It cost $3 and I was sooo excited. Come to find out they still didn't work which means that it's some sort of electrical problem most likely. The emergency brake light has been on since the brake lights quit working so I think that's a safe assumption. Sucks.

That's all I have for now.

I've been feeling a lot of stress lately. I don't know. Sigh.

Breakdowns suck. I've been having some the last few days.

I'm meeting with Pastor Diana today on the spiritual debt. We'll see what happens.

Oh I did decide to babysit. Wednesday night is my first night! I'm excited about it! I'll be babysitting 2 of one of my agent's cute, cute boys. Can't wait!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Oil Change and Brake Lights

I'm on my way to get an oil change and too how much break lights are to get fixed. Lord have mercy!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Emergency Fund and the Library. Oh and taxes.

I have my $500 emergency fund!!!!! Yay!!!

Oh and I talked to the library. Before Tuesday I owed over $500. Yes I know. It's crazy and not understandable. It's just because I had a billion items still out. So I turned them all in and now it's $70.50 instead. Or rather it will be. I still have 1 item out and 3 books on tape that are all missing the last tape. So as soon as I find the last tapes it'll take $90 off and then once I turn in the last book I have out, it will drop it another $30. Then we add $2 per item for late fees which puts me at $70.50. That's exactly what I thought it'd be so I'm really happy.

Taxes. My financial people are doing my taxes!!!!! I'm so excited. We'll leave it at that for now. Soon I might put up the whole tax story. It's a pretty big deal. So the fact that they are helping me is HUGE! I'm extremely excited. I just can't wait to start paying the KGB, I mean the IRS. :) The sooner I start paying the better. That means the sooner I'm done paying. Yay!

Ok on to church and other stuff.

Keep your eyes open for new babysitting stuff. Mon-Wed nights. After 5. I'll have ya'll keep your ears open as soon as I make a 100% decision.

I'm out for now.

Getting out of Debt - Spiritually

Ok so I just sent Pastor Diana an email. I know this blog is about getting out of debt.

Remember when Pastor Steve spoke on not owing anyone anything or having anyone owe me anything? Well I am currently working on that. So since this is all about debt I can post a quick note on that.

Hopefully Pastor Diana will give me some direction on where to take this thing I'm dealing with. We'll see. Either way I am going to become debt free. In every area!