I am basically out of spiritual debt! Isn't that great! Meeting with Pastor Tom and Diana helped immensely along with some things that Elaine suggested I do. Chains were broken inside of me that I've been strugling with for months and months. It feels like a new world today. God is truly great.
I had vowed to Him one Saturday night at YA's that I would do whatever it took to break free of this. I really did mean it. So I did and it worked and I'm freeeeeeeeee.
Spiritual debt down. Financial debt to go.
By the way, doing the right thing is hard. Well specifically the situation I'm going through. It's not always hard, but sometimes it is. Bah.
I'm going to St. Louis tomorrow night, but I'll be back on Friday for work and church. My best friend Eric is paying for my gas so it doesn't take out of the gas budget. Whew. Huge relief.
I'm a darn idiot. I saved my old budget over my new budget which makes me feel sort of lost. That budget holds me together in this realm. So on Friday when I get paid again I'm just going to start ALL over. I'll take the actual $ I have and then I'll budget from there. Wish me luck.